HHS is proposing to revamp HIPAA to make it easier to communicate between professionals. They want to be able to share drug treatment histories between providers. This is a bipartisan proposal. The nanny state continues to rear its ugly head. California is now proposing a law that would mandate physicians give first time pelvic exam patients a pamphlet about how pelvic exams are supposed to be conducted and the medical board's phone number. The physician would have to have in the medical record a signed confirmation of the patient receiving the pamphlet or be fined. A similar legislation was proposed in Michigan last year but failed. They don't have as many Democrats there. The idiotic proposal has already passed the California Assembly. The Kansas insurance commissioner has taken over the med mal company Physicians Standard Insurance which insure about 484 health professionals in Kansas and Missouri. The company continues to be viable. Top UNC Hospitals have been put on probation by the Joint Commission. They had problems with the standards of medication and suicide prevention. This comes soon after the pediatric heart surgery scandal at the hospital. California is on the verge of requiring Kaiser to report revenue and profit per hospital in the state versus the bunching they currently do. The law has been passed by both branches and is now up to the Governor. It would also require actuarial data to get rate increases in the Ocare small group and individual exchanges. This bill is being pushed by the evil SEIU. The HHS Office of Civil rights has issued a violation to the University of Vermont Medical Center for forcing a RN who was a conscience based objector to assist in an elective abortion. The Medical Center has 30 days to either agree to comply and change its policy or risk loss of federal funds. Top DISCLAIMER: Although this article is updated periodically, it reflects the author's point of view at the
time of publication. Nothing in this article constitutes legal advice. Readers
should consult with their own legal counsel before acting on any of the
information presented.