The California Board of Nursing falsified data to make themselves look good to the California State Auditor. They lied saying they assigned more than the allotted amount of cases to each investigator and therefore it was taking over three years for an investigation. They then after the report had gone out reversed the assignments. Walgreens is putting a physician office in their stores. They reached a deal with VillageMD to staff the primary care units and will open the clinics in 500-7000 stors. These will be large units. They will have nine exam rooms, a waiting area and a four person staffthat coordinates with the pharmacy. The corona virus is causing deaths to rise in the country both related and not related to the virus. In 14 states the high rise ws due to causes other than the virus such as heart, diabetes and Alzheimer's. The pandemic has fueled more angst from the press. The headline says the job crisis has caused historic lo of health insurance but the article says that 5.4 million lost their employer insurance. It is a lot as in 2008 during that crisis almost 4 million lost their coverage. The article goes on to say the problem is getting better as employment has begun to grow again. Top The nurses are picketing Riverside Community Hospital in California for not getting their required breaks due to no one to care for the patients if they leave. They state they are not even getting bathroom breaks. The hospital says this is just a ruse for contract negotiations. The nurses state this happened after the shelter in place orders and some part time nurses and others were let go due to a decrease in elective surgery. Now they have to do th cleaning between OB patients and others. They also then have to change their PPE all of which takes time. Not to be left out, the nurses at Bradenton, Florida's Blake Medical Center are picketing to protest for the third time the lack of PPE. They accuse the hospital of not providing N-95 masks and not telling them when a patient turns up positive for Covid. The hospital is losing the PR fight. The nurses at Motefiore in Mount Vernon, New York, are not happy campers. Depending on which liars one wishes to believe The nurse's union claims the hospital is hurting the community by closing its ICU. The hospital had previously closed OB, cardiology and oncology. It wants to downsize to an emergency center. The hospital says the hospital is open and the reductions are a direct reflection of the underutilization of the hospital by the community. Top DISCLAIMER: Although this article is updated periodically, it reflects the author's point of view at the time of publication. Nothing in this article constitutes legal advice. Readers should consult with their own legal counsel before acting on any of the information presented. |