July 15, 2017 Legislation




Rhode Island has a new law that requires insurers to pay for non-opiod based chiropractic and osteopathic treatments for pain in people with substance abuse.  They must be medically necessary and performed by licensed practitioners.  This leaves out the vast majority with paid but no substance abuse, yet.

Michigan has a new law that outlaws female genital mutilation (castration). This is a prevalent practice in some cultures especially in those living in the Detroit or Dearborn area.  The law forbids aiding in the transportation of girls to other states for the procedures.  The penalty is 15 years in prison and the statute of limitations has been extended to 10 years post crime or age 21 whichever is later.            Top


AnMed Health has agreed to pay a fine of $1.3 million, the largest ever, for EMTALA violations.  The three hospital South Carolina organization agreed to pay the fine for not stabilizing mental health patients in 36 instances.  The patients were involuntarily placed on hold and held in the ED for days or weeks instead of being treated by a psychiatrist and admitted.  Psychiatrists were available and beds were available but neither were utilized.            Top


DISCLAIMER: Although this article is updated periodically, it reflects the author's point of view at the time of publication. Nothing in this article constitutes legal advice. Readers should consult with their own legal counsel before acting on any of the information presented.