December 1, 2015 Legislation




CMS has again made it's intentions known in the dreaded tow midnight rule.  It recently posted a notice in response to a federal judge's ruling in Shands Jacksonville Hospital v Burwell.  The ruling was a slap at the HHS to better justify its cuts in payments under the rule.  The agency posted a notice that says it does not intend to back down and justified how it reached its conclusions.  

The VA has said that new rules will allow easier referrals to private physicians.  The new rules allow broader flexibility on the part of staff to allow the vet to go to a private physician.  If the vet has no primary care on staff at the VA, he/she will automatically be eligible for private care.  Also any who travel to the VA by any means other than car will be eligible.  Until now the staff has been reluctant to allow vets the choice required.          Top


CMS has continued funding to two east Texas hospitals who screwed up on patient safety issues.  They are allowing Hopkins County Hospital and St. Joseph Medical Center to continue to receive federal funding after return visits found them now in compliance for a period of time.  They did not reverse themselves on Timberlawn Mental Health System and they are out of the money.

Medicare has told 758 hospitals that they are fined for high rates of patient safety incidents.  Many of these are repeat offenders.  The hospitals do not like the penalties and say they are flawed.  The majority of issues related to infections secondary to the use of urinary catheters.

California has fined Kaiser Hospital in Vallejo for workers being stabbed by needles on multiple occasions.  The need le collection boxes were stuffed and the lids did not close due to the stuffing.  The hospital knew about the problem and did nothing.  This will cost $150,000.

California had fined Molina Healthcare $500,000 for mishandling employee appeals and grievances.  Also Molina failed to provide certain documentation during a routine survey.        Top


DISCLAIMER: Although this article is updated periodically, it reflects the author's point of view at the time of publication. Nothing in this article constitutes legal advice. Readers should consult with their own legal counsel before acting on any of the information presented.