Hospitals are leaving the maternity field. OSF in Peoria, Illinois, Trinity Health and Ohio based University Hospital have all announced soon to be closed maternity centers. This leaves people without these critical services however the closures are in areas with declining young populations. These centers are expensive to maintain and have a high risk relating to med mal with them. Top In what should be great news the California hospitals are finally getting smart and telling the Attorney General to go stuff it. They have found a work-around to bypass the stupid rules the AG puts in for mergers. They are going bankrupt under the federal system. This takes the AG virtually out of the process and mergers can occur. Hospitals otherwise will close. The militant Massachusetts Nurses Association have gotten the nurses of Brigham and Women's Hospital surgery and post-op are to sign a petition to remove a vice president who they contend is causing patient safety issues. The hospital refutes the charges. Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, California's largest public hospital, will notify former patients that they may be eligible for refunds or billing corrections. They did a bad job of notifying patients of their ability to get charity care and this is the result. Sounds like a poorly run institute. I wonder who the CEO is? Top The idiots at the American Board of Internal Medicine are still getting an earful and as usual continue to ignore the myriad of complaints. Cardiologists are threatening the Board for antitrust since if they do not pay their huge dues their name gets dropped form the certification roles. They also fail to see the value of the MOC. Although this is voluntary it is a required certification for hospital privileges and possibly for insurance payments. They are questioning the research that "shows" the Board is good for quality as the research is done by researchers paid by the Board without independent studies. The Board has already had enough problems that another organization has emerged. The NBPAS came into existence several years ago and is an alternative to the Board. The problem is that some hospitals and insurers will not recognize the alternative. Is there kickbacks? Top DISCLAIMER: Although this article is updated periodically, it reflects the author's point of view at the time of publication. Nothing in this article constitutes legal advice. Readers should consult with their own legal counsel before acting on any of the information presented. |